May 19, 2024

It’s what’s on the outside that counts; why dressing well at work matters.

It’s time to start dressing like a person who is an expert in their field and give yourself the confidence to perform at your best…

It is the first thing that is noticed.  Clothes maketh the man (or woman.) 

Most importantly, something happens to you when you start dressing differently. Maybe it goes unnoticed at first. There are a few research papers that suggest dressing in a more “powerful” way can cause high-performer behaviors. 

Look at what your boss wears – that’s a good indicator. 

Excuse 1: I’m not going to change who I am for other people.

Okay, if your current attire is working for you. 

Excuse 2: I can’t afford new clothes

Listen, you can buy at Walmart or Target.  Listen, if you think band t-shirts and anime shirts makes you a compelling, but if you don’t get ahead. Start small. Buy one piece or one outfit and work it into your existing rotation. Gradually overtime you’ll discover what you like and what flatters your body type and what you feel good in.

A word of caution – Dressing too well can have unintended consequences.

Don’t dress too well above your peers station. If everyone is wearing T-shirts and jeans don’t show up with a pressed 3-piece suit. The goal it to get people to consider you for the role directly above you. If you get too crazy it will signal that you are not part of the “tribe” 

Office Wear Recommendations for Men

We have combined into archetypes. Adapt this to your organization as you see fit. 

Get a haircut and maintain it. Get on a regular grooming schedule. Maintain good hygiene.

The Engineer

The Creative

The Marketer

Office Wear Recommendations for Ladies

What have you seen in your office? Let me know in the comments below.