May 6, 2024


In 2020 the coronavirus COVID19 crisis was sweeping across the US decimating human health and financial markets. Everything was interrupted and nothing was normal. Companies were Laying-off and furloughing employees in droves. The unemployment rate flirted with 25%. And I wanted a way out – or at least a raft to safety.

Figuring things out, out loud.

It encouraged me to face some real questions about what I wanted out of a career and life and try to make sense of things. I had been working in the business world for 10-years with not a lot to show for it besides a partial employer-paid MBA and a considerable amount of self-loathing. I wasn’t happy and it was affecting my work. I gained 45lbs and was grumpy and irritable and had started to amass some visible gray hairs.

My mental health was waning and I came to the conclusion that I couldn’t do the same thing for another thirty-five years. My health and sanity wouldn’t last. At this same time, I had a baby on the way. I had to provide for my family and could not make any rash decisions. But I knew something had to change.

I started this blog to keep track of my journey towards improving my professional satisfaction and eventual Financial Independence. I’m hoping that contained herein will be some advice I would have given to a younger version of myself. I’m sure in a few years I will change my mind on some things and need to go back and re-write parts of posts.

It’s not just a money question.

I don’t think this is a subject talked about very often in the FIRE community. Very quickly I came to the conclusion that what I was chasing was not 100% about money alone. It was also about satisfying an innate desire to be useful. And self-identity. I’ve known rich and I’ve known poor people, and poor people who became rich and without self-improvement, their accumulation of wealth only served to magnify their pre-existing conditions.

I hope in due time I can help answer these questions:

  • What is my exit strategy?
  • How do I create more purpose in my life?
  • How do I create a more rewarding personal and professional life now?
  • How should I spend to maximize my present and future happiness?
  • Is FIRE Financial Independence the right path for me?
  • How do I create passive income streams?
  • Is entrepreneurship right for me?